Best of 2011

A Separation , Elite Squad : The Enemy Within , Once upon a time in Anatolia ....

Flop Show (TV Series , India - Hindi , 1989)

Ratings - IMDB – 9.4
Release Year -1989
Country - India (Hindi)
Genres – Comedy

Synopsis - 10 Episode TV Series

This Indian comedy series came on Doordarshan in the late 80s, early 90s, when high-end production sets and the juggernaut of cable networks had yet to infiltrate the Indian public. Surprisingly, the series was incredibly funny and served up satire of the then social situations. The TV serial was made before the era of background laughter, so the laughter cues are very subtle. And the comedy itself is not forced. The greatest strength of the show is how Jaspal Bhatti develops each character. For a 20 minute odd episode and each episode having minimum 7 to 8 main characters, you don't feel that any character was less developed or not required.

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Apur Sansar aka The World of Apu (India , 1959)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.0
Release Year -1959
Country - India
Genres – Drama

Synopsis – Third and final part of "The Apu Trilogy"

Apu is a jobless ex-student dreaming vaguely of a future as a writer. An old college friend talks him into a visit up-country to a village wedding. This changes his life, for when the bridegroom turns out to be mad, Apu's friend asks him to become the husband! After initial revulsion at the idea, Apu agrees. Apu takes his exquisite bride, Aparna, back to Calcutta. But Aparna dies in childbirth, Apu leaves Calcutta, crazy with grief, and his son Kajal is left abandoned with his wife's parents. Only after a long period of total indifference to worldly responsibilities, does Apu become capable of returning to the world.

Awards & Lists - Nominated for BAFTA Film Award. Another 2 wins

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Aparajito aka The Unvanquished (India , 1956)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.0
Release Year -1956
Country - India (Bengali)
Genres – Drama

Synopsis – Second part of "The Apu Trilogy"

After living awhile in Benares, 10 year old Apu and his mother move in with her uncle in a small Bengali village. Apu enters a local school, where he does well. By the time he graduates, he has a scholarship to study at a college in Calcutta. So off he goes. His mother is torn by his leaving, and by his growing independence. She loves her son very much and wants him to succeed, but she does not want to be left alone.

Awards & Lists - Nominated for 2 BAFTA Film Awards. Another 3 wins

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Pather Panchali aka Song of the Little Road (India , 1955)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.1
Release Year -1955
Country - India (Bengali)
Genres – Drama

Synopsis – First part of "The Apu Trilogy"

Sometime in the early years of the century, a boy, Apu, is born to a poor Brahmin family in a village in Bengal. The father, a poet and priest, cannot earn enough to keep his family going. Apu's sister, Durga, is forever stealing guavas from the neighbour's orchards. All these add to the daily struggles of the mother's life, notwithstanding her constant bickering with old aunt who lives with the family.

Awards - Nominated for BAFTA Film Award. Another 7 wins

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Los santos inocentes aka The Holy Innocents (Spain , 1984)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.1
Release Year -1984
Country - Spain
Genres – Drama

Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.

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Viskningar och rop aka Cries and Whispers (Sweden , 1972)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.0
Release Year -1972
Country - Sweden
Genres – Drama | Romance

Synopsis : In turn-of-the-century Sweden, cancer-stricken, dying Agnes is visited in her isolated rural mansion by her sisters Karin and Maria. As Agnes' condition deteriorates and pain management becomes increasingly more difficult, fear and revulsion grip the sisters, who seem incapable of empathy, and Agnes' only comfort and solace comes from her maid Anna. As the end draws closer, long repressed feelings of grudging resentment and mistrust cause jealousy, selfishness, and bitterness between the siblings to surface.

Awards & Lists : Won Oscar | Another 19 Wins
Special Mention : Rated by more than 10k users on IMDb

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La ley de Herodes aka Herod's Law (Mexico , 1999)

Ratings - IMDB – 7.9
Release Year -1999
Country - Mexico
Genres – Comedy | Crime | Mystery

Synopsis : Mexico, 1949. The fable of a janitor turned Mayor on a little town lost in the Mexican desert, who gradually realizes how far his new acquainted power and corruption can get him.

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Dip huet seung hung aka The Killer (Hong Kong , 1989)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.0
Release Year -1989
Country - Hong Kong
Genres – Action | Crime | Drama

Synopsis : A disillusioned assassin accepts one last hit in hopes of using his earnings to restore vision to a singer he accidentally blinded, only to be double-crossed by his boss.

Special Mention : Rated by more than 23k users on IMDb

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Jean de Florette aka A paradicsom (France , 1986)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.1
Release Year -1986
Country - France
Genres – Drama

Synopsis : A greedy landowner and his backward nephew conspire to block the only water source for an adjoining property in order to bankrupt the owner and force him to sell.

Awards & Lists : Nominated for Golden Globe | Another 10 wins
Special Mention : Rated by more than 12k users on IMDb

La haine aka Hate (France , 1995)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.1
Release Year -1995
Country - France
Genres – Crime | Drama

Synopsis : The film follows three young men and their time spent in the French suburban "ghetto," over a span of twenty-four hours. Vinz, a Jew, Saïd, an Arab, and Hubert, a black boxer, have grown up in these French suburbs where high levels of diversity coupled with the racist and oppressive police force have raised tensions to a critical breaking point. During the riots that took place a night before, a police officer lost his handgun in the ensuing madness, only to leave it for Vinz to find. Now, with a newfound means to gain the respect he deserves, Vinz vows to kill a cop if his friend Abdel dies in the hospital, due the beating he received while in police custody.

Special Mention :  Rated by more than 34k users on IMDb

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C'era una volta il West aka Once Upon a Time in the West (Italy , 1968)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.8
Release Year -1968
Country - Italy
Genres – Western
IMDB page

Synopsis: Epic story of a mysterious stranger with a harmonica who joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad.

Tagline: There were three men in her life. One to take her... one to love her... and one to kill her.

Awards & Lists : IMDb Top 250 #20 | 5 wins
Special Mention : Rated by more than 95k users on IMDb

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Ničija zemlja aka No Man's Land ( Bosnia & Herzegovina , 2001)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.0 | Metacritic - 84
Release Year -1963
Country - Italy
Genres – Drama | Fantasy

Synopsis: Bosnia and Herzegovina during 1993 at the time of the heaviest fighting between the two warring sides. Two soldiers from opposing sides in the conflict, Nino and Ciki, become trapped in no man's land, whilst a third soldier becomes a living booby trap.

Awards & Lists : Won Oscar | Another 26 wins
Special Mention : Rated by more than 22k users on IMDb

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8½ (Italy , 1963)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.2
Release Year -1963
Country - Italy
Genres – Drama | Fantasy

Synopsis: A harried movie director retreats into his memories and fantasies.

Awards & Lists - IMDb Top 250 #193 | Won 2 Oscars | Another 13 wins
Special Mention - Rated by more than 36k users on IMDb

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Angst essen Seele auf aka Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (Germany , 1974)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.1
Release Year -1974
Country - Germany
Genres – Drama | Romance

Synopsis: Emmi, a woman truly in the second half of life, falls in love with Ali, a Berber guest worker more than ten years younger. When they both decide to marry, everybody seems to be against them. When the folks calm down a bit, Emmi and Ali get deeply unsure about their relationship.

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Kaze no tani no Naushika aka Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Japan , 1984)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.1
Release Year -1984
Country - Japan
Genres – Animation | Action | Adventure

Synopsis: Warrior/pacifist Princess Nausicaä desperately struggles to prevent two warring nations from destroying themselves and their dying planet.

Awards & Lists: IMDB Top 250 #249 | 3 more wins
Special Mention: Rated by more than 28k users on IMDb

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