Okuribito aka Departures (Japan , 2008)

Ratings - IMDB - 8.1 | Metacritic - 68
Release Year - 2008
Country - Japan
Genres - Drama | Music

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Synopsis: A newly unemployed cellist takes a job preparing the dead for funerals.

Daigo Kobayashi is a devoted cellist in an orchestra that has just been dissolved and now finds himself without a job. Daigo decides to move back to his old hometown with his wife to look for work and start over. He answers a classified ad entitled "Departures" thinking it is an advertisement for a travel agency only to discover that the job is actually for a "Nokanshi" or "encoffineer," a funeral professional who prepares deceased bodies for burial and entry into the next life. While his wife and others despise the job, Daigo takes a certain pride in his work and begins to perfect the art of "Nokanshi," acting as a gentle gatekeeper between life and death, between the departed and the family of the departed. The film follows his profound and sometimes comical journey with death as he uncovers the wonder, joy and meaning of life and living.

Awards - Won Oscar (Best Foreign Language Film of the Year - 2009); Best Film (Award of the Japanese Academy - 2009) ; Audience Award (Hawaii International Film Festival - 2008) ; Best Asian Film (Hong Kong Film Awards - 2010) 

Special Mention - Rated by more than 14k users on IMDb

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