La dolce vita aka The Sweet Life (Italy , 1961)

Ratings - IMDB - 8.1 | Metacritic - 93
Release Year - 1961
Country - Italy
Genres - Comedy | Drama

IMDB page | Metacritic page

Synopsis: Journalist and man-about-town Marcello struggles to find his place in the world, torn between the allure of Rome's elite social scene and the stifling domesticity offered by his girlfriend, all the while searching for a way to become a serious writer.

The movie is made with boundless energy. Federico Fellini stood here at the dividing point between the neorealism of his earlier films (like "La Strada") and the carnival visuals of his extravagant later ones ("Juliet of the Spirits," "Amarcord'').

Awards & lists - Won Oscar (Best Costume Design - 1962). Another 7 wins


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