Yôjinbô aka Yojimbo (Japan , 1961)

Ratings - IMDB – 8.4
Release Year - 1961
Country - Japan
Genres – Action | Crime | Drama

Synopsis: First part of the Yojimbo - Sanjuro two films set

A crafty ronin comes to a town divided by two criminal gangs and decides to play them against each other to free the town.

Sanjuro, a wandering samurai enters a rural town in nineteenth century Japan. After learning from the innkeeper that the town is divided between two gangsters, he plays one side off against the other. His efforts are complicated by the arrival of the wily Unosuke, the son of one of the gangsters, who owns a revolver. Unosuke has Sanjuro beaten after he reunites an abducted woman with her husband and son, then massacres his father's opponents. During the slaughter, the samurai escapes with the help of the innkeeper; but while recuperating at a nearby temple, he learns of innkeeper's abduction by Unosuke, and returns to the town to confront him.

Awards – Nominated for Oscar. Another 3 wins

Lists - Ranked at #95 in Empire magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Films of All Time
IMDB Top 250 #115

Special Mention - Rated by more than 37k users on IMDb

Trivia - In both the films, the lead actor Toshirō Mifune takes the name Sanjuro (meaning "Thirtysomething") but he takes a different "surname" (in both films, he takes his surname from the plants he happens to be looking at when asked his name)

Download Links (w English Subs)
699mb - 640x288 - 1:50:27 - 24fps - avi - english subtitle
