Trois couleurs: Bleu aka Three Colors: Blue (France , 1993)

Ratings - IMDB – 7.9
Release Year - 1993
Country - France
Genres – Drama | Music | Mystery

Synopsis - First part of "The Three Colors Trilogy" trilogy

First of a trilogy of films dealing with contemporary French society concerns how the wife of a composer deals with the death of her husband and child.

Three Colors: Blue is the first part of Kieslowski's trilogy on France's national motto: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Blue is the story of Julie who loses her husband, an acclaimed European composer and her young daughter in a car accident. The film's theme of liberty is manifested in Julie's attempt to start life anew free of personal commitments, belongings grief and love. She intends to spiritually commit suicide by withdrawing from the world and live completely independently, anonymously and in solitude in the Parisian metropolis. Despite her intentions, people from her former and present life intrude with their own needs. However, the reality created by the people who need and care about her, a surprising discovery and the music around which the film revolves heals Julie and irresistably draws her back to the land of the living.

Awards - Best Film at the Venice Film Festival
Best European Film : Goya Awards (Spain's Academy Awards)
Nominated for 3 Golden Globes
Total 19 wins

Lists - Roger Ebert included the trilogy in its entirety to his "Great Movies" list.
Ranked #11 in Empire magazines "The 33 Greatest Movie Trilogies" in 2010.
Ranked #14 in Empire magazines "The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema" in 2010.

Special Mention - The whole trilogy received ranking of 100 % on Rotten Tomatoes based on 5 reviews; The first part, Blue got also 100 % based on 32 reviews
Rated by more than 30k users on IMDb

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